Congratulations to Dr. Adam Howard on getting his PhD hood during the Rice University Commencement, and for winning Outstanding PhD Thesis, in the Biosciences department!
Congratulations to graduating Senior undergrads, Thomas Hamre and Annika Nambiar! Thomas starts Medical School this summer at BCM and Annika will enter a Master's Program, Congrats!
January 2023
Lab is happy to welcome new graduate student Hannah Johnson to the lab! Welcome!
We are also happy to welcome visiting Associate Professor Alexandre Bruni-Cardoso from Universidade de São Paulo Instituto de Química - Departamento de Bioquímica to the department and the lab for the semester!
November- December 2022
Congratulations to graduate student Adam Howard, who successfullydefended his PhD thesis!! Second student to finish in the Uribe lab!
September-October 2022
Congratulations to Phillip Baker, Rodrigo Ibarra, Akshaya Venkatesh and Eileen Singleton for their study on enteric neural crest cell migration and Ret signaling being accepted at Development, paper in press now. Great team effort!
Congratulations to Adam Howard for his primer review article about Hox genes, extracellular matrix and neural crest cell development being published in Differentiation. Great job!
Lab welcomes new graduate student, Onyekachi Idigo. Welcome!
May-August 2022
Congratulations to second author Joshua Moore for his work demonstrating that a synthetic amino acid can function endogenously in zebrafish being accepted for publication! Entitled, "Expanding the Eukaryotic Genetic Code with a Biosynthesized 21st Amino Acid." Exciting collaborative work that was a true team effort with fellow Rice University Xiao and Phillips labs!
Congratulations to Joshua Moore on being selected and delivering a platform presentation at the Society for Developmental Biology meeting in Vancouver, on his BMP ENS project!
Congratulations to Joshua Moore on being awarded the Biosciences Department Leadership Award! So proud!
April 2022
Congratulations to our very first successful PhD defense in the lab, by Dr. Phillip Baker!
Congratulations to graduating undergrads Akshaya Venkatesh and Grayson Kotzur on being awarded the Biosciences Department Distinction in Research Works!
Congratulations to undergraduate Annika Nambiar on winning the Top Poster Award for the entire School of Natural Sciences at Rice, for the RURS event! Way to go!
January 2022
Congrats to graduate student Adam Howard, undergrads Aaron Nguyen and Grayson Kotzur, and Eileen Singleton and co-authors on our Hoxb5b paper being published at Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology!doi: 10.3389/fcell.2021.803370
September 2021
Congrats to Undergrads Akshaya Venkatesh and Grayson Kotzur for being being selected for talks for the GCURS event this October!
August 2021
Congrats toRodrigo Ibarra for his experimental findings being published regarding Chaf1a in zebrafish neural crest! This was a long-term collaborative study with the Barbieri and Parchem labs at Baylor College of Medicine! Congrats!
July 2021
Congrats to Joshua Moore for being accepted into the MBL Stem Cell and Regeneration Course for this October!
Congratulations to Adam Howard, Rodrigo Ibarra and Eileen Singleton for the publication of the WICHCR Protocol paper, A protocol for Whole-mount Immuno-Coupled Hybridization Chain Reaction (WICHCR) in zebrafish embryos and early larvae. STAR Protocols,Volume 2, Issue 3, 100709,
June 2021
Congrats to graduate student Lucia Rivas on passing her Candidacy exam!!! Well done!
March 2021
The lab is now supported by the NIDDK via a R01 grant! Congrats to the entire lab!!!!
January 2021
Congratulations to Aaron Nguyen for being accepted in the Rice Humanities/McGovern Medical School Program! Way to go!
Our pre-print on single cell neural crest populations was just accepted for publication following peer review at eLife! Congrats to the entire lab for their hard work and brain power on such a feat!
Congrats to Joshua Moore on being awarded a NIH NRSA F31 Award with NICHD! Such great news!
June 2020
The lab was happy to contribute towards collaborative work with the Krachler lab (UT Health) to describe a computational method for analyzing biologically noisy data and detecting patterns. We show its use in detecting gut motility patterns. Now out on BioRxiv:
Proud to present in a pre-print our lab's construction of a Single-cell Atlas to describe neural crest derivatives in developing tissues along zebrafish! Long time coming and we hope this resource can help the field make some new discoveries! Congratulations to all authors, especially first co-authors Adam Howard and Phillip Baker!! Now out on BioRxiv:
May 2020
Congratulations to Joshua Moore and Rodrigo Ibarra on passing their Part A exams and advancing to Candidacy!!! Way to go!
March 2020
The lab welcomes a new graduate student, Lucia Rivas! Welcome!
Our fish facility has been successfully, fully relocated! Thanks to all of the Aquaneering techs, Rice architects, the Wagner lab and Eileen Singleton, our lab manager for outstanding dedication!
January 2020
Dr. Uribe received word from the National Science Foundation that the lab will be supported by the CAREER award, a 5-year research and education grant! Congrats to the lab all around!
We are half way done with the 2nd phase of our zebrafish aquatic facility move to ABL, with ample space for zebrafish tanks, shrimp prep and embryology room.
November 2019
Graduate student Adam Howard and Undergraduate student Sarah Downing delivered platform talks at the Texas Zebrafish Conference, the Gulf Coast Consortia Regenerative Medicine Symposium and the Gulf Coast Undergraduate Research Symposium in Houston! Congrats!
Congrats to graduate students Adam Howard and Phillip Baker on being selected to give a talk on their PhD work at the Texas Zebrafish Meeting AND at the GCC Regenerative Medicine Symposium!
Congrats to undergraduate Sarah Downing on being selected to give a platform presentation at the upcoming 2019 Gulf Coast Undergraduate Research Symposium! Way to go!
September 2019
The lab welcomes our newResearch Specialist, James Tallman! Welcome to the lab!
Congrats to graduate students Joshua Moore and Rodrigo Ibarra on very successfully passing their first committee meeting!
August 2019
Jessa presented her summer research project (which she crafted entirely herself!) at the annual IBB Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium event! This was part of her NSF-fundedSDB Choose Development! Work! She did a great job and had a stupendous summer with her bench mentor, Grad student Josh Moore!
Graduate Student Phillip Baker was selected for a 2019 Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo Award for his research and PhD project at Rice University in the Biosciences Department! Congrats!!!
July 2019
Dr. Uribe delivered an invited talk at the Pediatric Gastroenterology Research Workshop, Baylor College of Medicine & Texas Children's Hospital. Thank you for the wonderful interactions and important discussions!
The lab welcomes visiting high school student, Karolyn Raj! Welcome!
Our lab is now co-funded, in collaboration with researchers at Texas Children's Hospital and Baylor College of Medicine, for neuroblastoma and neural crest research! Thank you to the American Cancer Society for funding!
May 2019
Our paper, "Immunohistochemical and ultrastructural analysis of the maturing larval zebrafish enteric nervous system reveals the formation of a neuropil pattern", is now online at Scientific Reports!
Congrats to graduate students Phillip Baker and Adam Howard on winning Society for Developmental Biology Travel Awards, to support their attendance to the annual SDB conference!
Congratulations to graduate students Phillip Baker and Adam Howard on becoming a PhD Candidate!
Dr. Uribe gives an invited talk at the Digestive Diseases Center (DDC) GI Forum Seminar Series, Baylor College of Medicine! Thanks to the gracious hosts and warm welcome!
Congratulations to Phillip Baker and Ashley Tsang for our collaborative work with the Shared Equipment Authority (SEA) EM expert Matt Meyer, which characterizes the maturing zebrafish larval myenteric plexus, now in press at Scientific Reports!
March 2019
Congrats to graduate student Adam Howard on winning an IBB Travel Award, to support his summer conference endeavors! Way to go!
Congratulations to Visiting Undergraduate Scholar Jessa Westheimer on being named a Choose Development! Fellow through the Society for Developmental Biology (SDB)! To read about the Choose Development! Program please see
The lab welcomes two new graduate students to join the lab from the department of BioSciences: Joshua Moore and Rodrigo Ibarra, Welcome!
January 2019
The Uribe lab welcomes rotation student Rodrigo Ibarra and Siqi Du! Welcome!
Congrats to graduate student member Adam Howard on delivering a great seminar during the Developmental Genetics Seminar Club, MD Anderson!
Our zebrafish aquatic facility, by Aquaneering, has successfully been fully relocated and expanded into our temporary home in the Dell Butcher Hall. Fish are healthy and breeding again after a brief break.
November 2018
Dr. Uribe obtained grant funding from the John S. Dunn Foundation to perform novel enteric nervous system research in zebrafish with collaborators!
October 2018
Dr. Uribe was a featured speaker at the Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) National Conference, San Antonio, in the NextGen STEM: The Future of Regenerative Biology session, organized by the Society for Developmental Biology
The Uribe lab welcomes rotation students Liz Li and Joshua Moore!
August 2018
Congrats to graduate student Adam Howard on winning a Best Poster Presentation during the BioSciences Symposium Poster Session!
Dr. Uribe was an invited speaker at the 1st AnnualAntone Jacobson Memorial Symposium,Molecular Biosciences Dept. UT Austin
The Uribe lab welcomes rotation students Joe Tolar and Adeline Supandy! Welcome!
July 2018
The Uribe lab published it's first review article about vagal neural crest cells and it's lesser-known derivatives in Developmental Biology!
June 2018
The lab welcomes a visiting summer undergrad from Carnegie-Mellon, Jessa Westheimer! Welcome!
The lab welcomes entering graduate student, Rodrigo Ibarra, welcome!
The Uribe lab published a paper with collaborators on neural crest cell cycle occupancy dynamics: Rajan SG, Gallik KL, Monaghan JR, Uribe RA, Bronner ME, Saxena A. (2018). Tracking neural crest cell cycle progression in vivo. Genesis. e23214. 10.1002/dvg.23214, in the journal Genesis!
The Uribe lab officially joins Twitter!! Follow us under the handle @uribelabRice
March 2018:
Our first Graduate students join the lab: Adam Howard and Phillip Baker! Welcome!
Dr. Uribe delivers an invited seminar at the Department of Genetics at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston TX.
February 2018:
Dr. Uribe gives the first invited talk for the Uribe lab at the Center for Theoretical Biological Physics (CTBP) Seminar Series, Rice University, Houston TX.
January 2018:
The Uribe lab got it's first rotation students and 4 new undergrads through the BIOC research course in Biosciences at Rice!
Dr. Uribe publishes a manuscript detailing the role of the vitamin A derivative Retinoic Acid during neural crest migration in the journal Developmental Biology! Uribe, R.A.*, Hong, S.S. and Bronner, M.E. Retinoic Acid temporally orchestrates colonization of the gut by vagal neural crest cells. (2018).Developmental Biology,Jan 1;433(1):17-32
October 2017:
The Uribe lab starts to set up on Rice's campus, with help from Aquaneering installation team to get the fish rack system flowing! Eileen Singleton and Sarah Downing join the lab.